Thursday, November 19, 2015

Casual Friday: Mono-Pink

     It's been a little while since I posted. Thanks to all four of you that looked at my other posts. Though those might have just been me. Anyway, my school schedule is winding down, and I hope to post more content.

     For this week's Casual Friday, I have a deck that I've wanted to build for some time. Did you know there is a sixth magic color? Most people don't. Back in Unhinged (one of the two "joke" Magic sets), Water Gun Balloon Game was printed, which has a Pink card. And one pink card is all we need to make a mono-pink deck.

     What is Water Gun Balloon Game? For those of you who accidentally stumbled on this page, and can't be bothered to Google the card (I understand; your time is valuable), it is a two mana artifact. When it comes into play, all players put a counter on it, at zero. Whenever a player plays a spell, they move the counter up. When a player reaches five, the counter goes back down to zero, and that player gets a 5/5 Pink Teddy Bear creature. Which is actually a Giant, if you ever want to play a Giants tribal deck.

     There isn't too much to this deck. Cast Water Gun Balloon Game, and then empty your hand (most of the cards have a CMC of zero). 

Here's the deck:

Some cool "combos":
*You can remove all the opponents' counters using Giant Fan. Since  Water Gun Balloon Game doesn't function by adding or removing counters, by using Fan, you can be the only one getting a giant pink bear.
*You can use Meteor Crash, and Jeweled Amulet to make pink mana! Take that color wheel! 
When brewing this deck, I wanted to put in some Sunburst artifacts, but it was so inneficient to pay 4-6 mana for a 1/1 creature. The only available card would be Engineered Explosives, but that runs at about $10 a card, and doesn't fit my imaginary budget.
*You can play and sacrifice Crystal Vein to put Water Gun Balloon Game (okay, I'm sick of writing that. From now on, it will be called WGBG) into play turn one. That leave enough cards in your hand to trigger WGBG turn one (assuming those five cards have a zero CMC). 

Card Choices and Strategy:
   Alchemist's Vial: You draw a card, and can "Maze of Ith" a creature for a turn.
   Chimeric Mass: The deck needs a "real" creature as a backup plan. You can drop this for zero to tick WGBG, but he's a good defender and attacker. Just so you know, the biggest he can get is a 28/28.
   Fountain of Youth: Its a cheap life gain card that doesn't require sacrificing.
   Giant Fan: Lets you be the sole OverBear. Or Bear Lord. Some name that's majestic and regal.
   Jeweled Amulet: One of the two sources in the deck that lets you get a colored mana, specifically pink. That's really the only reason for it, other that it does have a CMC of zero.
   Spellbook: Sometimes, you need to accrue cards if you think your opponent might get the bear. If you need to, drop this on turn one or two, and wait until you get the fountain, if you don't draw into it. Otherwise, its just a zero CMC artifact.
   Water Gun Balloon Game: Gosh dang it. I typed it again. Oh yeah, and this is your main kill condition.
   Zuran Orb: While I don't recommend sacrificing your land too often, sometimes you just need life. 
   Memnite: A zero CMC creature.
   Ornithopter: See above
   Phyrexian Walker: See two above
   Shield Sphere: Actually a decent defender for a few turns
   Blasted Landscape: Let's you cycle so you can draw into your needed cards faster.
   Crystal Vein: Hooray for turn one combos. Or, you know, sacrificing four to get your Chimeric Mass bigger that it ordinarily would be.
   Desert: Who doesn't want to deal one damage, post combat, to a single creature. In all seriousness, this is the only removal we have. Though things might go bad if they have a few Camels in their deck.
   Haunted Fengraf: Sac to get a creature back.
   Meteor Crater: Really in this deck just for the lulz. As a note, you actually can't use this until you get a bear in play. According to the rules, you can't add colorless mana with this card :(   I suggest mulliganing if is your only land in your opening hand.
   Radiant Fountain: Yay, two life! "combos" with Zuran Orb for a total of four life!

Have fun with this one guys. No one expects pink mana!

If one of you leaves a comment, let me know if you want me to do a Ashnod's Coupon combo deck, A Gleemax combo/prison deck, an Urza's Contact Lenses control deck, a double deck featuring Double-Header, or a red Chaos deck. Whatever deck has the most votes wins. Which at best will be one. I suspect I will end up choosing. And it will probably the Coupon Combo. Have a good week.