Friday, October 9, 2015

Introduction to Me

Hello Readers!

My name is Andrew, and like you, I love to play Magic!

I currently have school every day of the week, except Sunday, and work when I don't have school. My only free time I have is an hour break between classes, and as my school WiFi is not great for gaming, I decided to start a blog.

You'll want to stick around if you like the following:

*Innovative decks, both competitive, and casual (my formats of choice are Moderns and Kitchen Table).
*New perspectives on how to deal with existing decks, and card ideas that might make your deck better.
*BUDGET decks. When I say budget, I mean a budget even a college student surviving on Ramen can afford (okay, probably not, but it certainly won't break the bank).
*Butchered grammar, and flat jokes.

Hopefully you guys like what you see, and I hope I can make you think about deckbuilding differently!


BTW, you can play with me on MTGO. My user name is "flamy153". I'll be happy to play with you for a few minutes.

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